No so long ago
I was standing on the same platform
frigid and lonely like a spark lost in time
shinning and powerful but still
soundless and timid
Fire was pulling back from heart
I was standing on a pending rock
precipitating to the sea of life
never doubting but questioning
and in the darkness every possible sign of life
was untouchable
little to remember
I was colorless even when my body carry me with such a force,
I was the soil
I was the Peace
I was my own
I was the promise
No so long ago
my smile was fresh and courageous
anxious for more
the orbits around me
were unable to connect
somehow I believed
rejected myself
and my blood circulated backwards
infinite pain out to my veins
clear and simple like the petal of this lotus
pentacle of my path to heal and glow
blossom universe within the universe of my habitat.
“My Orbits”
by The Shortfellow
New York City
Text Started some where and finish June 17, 2018.
