“OTHERWISE” is a journey of movement and abstraction that meditatively leans towards moments of chaos and recovery.The ensemble gravitates around the thought that unity is not uniformity. Why are bodies more genuine in
moments of exhaustion? How can we collapse and find clarity in moments of crisis and Uncertainty?
45 minutes
Original Idea,Choreography and Direction by Erick Montes
Prior to the monkeys (Antes que los changos)
Choreography by Erick Montes
Music by Raul Tudon
Performed by Orlando Martinez, Jennifer Rose, Ivanova Aguilar and Erick Montes
Work Commissioned by Loteria Performing Arts
Performed Ailey Citigroup Theater, May 2014
And you, sit there.
Improvisation manifesto, original idea danced by Erick Montes with music intervention by Winnie Bennett.
Text by Erick Montes
Set Design by Stacey Bug and Erick Montes
Costume by M.O.H.
NYU Performing Arts, Dance Department Theater
New York City, 2014
Program "Dances by Dancers"
Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dancers Choreographic Show.
For those who just arrived
Choreography by Erick Montes
Music by Lhasa de Sela and
Various Artists Mexican folklore music.
Performers Zoe Allocco,
Cassandra Cotta and Zachary L. Denison
Costumes by M.O.H.
Kirkland Dance Center
October, 2017